Transformational Tarot

Nimbus cards
Cumulous Coins
Sunset Fool

Tanga's Tarot

Greetings and welcome to my world of tarot. I have been a tarot enthusiast since I stumbled on my first deck in 1995. Captivated by the beautiful and evocative imagery of the cards, I was inspired to study more about them. I have always been interested in the fields of the esoteric and myths, and in some ways, my tarot interests are inspired by the traditional meaning of my birth name ("Tanga" is an East African tribal name) - which translates as "The Oracle". In 2002 I signed up for formal tarot training under Jackie Barnes at the College of Psychic Studies in London (United Kingdom). Since then, I greatly enjoy reading cards, sharing tarot ideas and keeping up-to-date with the latest deck designs.

I am pleased to offer tarot readings - for your interest, assistance and entertainment. My intent is to reflect ideas that encourage fresh perspectives and motivate you to move forward with your life.
You can book an email reading via this website, or contact me if you have questions. In-person readings are also available.

Tarot is not about predicting a fixed future (the future in my opinion, is not set in stone), it's about creatively looking at your options to facilitate your decision making, so you can grow your dream future - or deal more effectively with your past and present.


My definition of tarot is:

“A beautiful framework that promotes the exploration of the subconscious mind. It draws into the conscious realm, insights, possibilities and avenues of action that can be useful, inspirational, and fun for the querent. It adds greater colour and magic to life”.

Why not add more colour to your life?

I live in South East London where I run a busy therapeutic practice offering a range of physical therapy treatments. Tarot as an additional outlet, is an exciting prospect. It is a way that I can use a favourite tool to enjoyably engage my intuitive senses, whilst offering assistance that may boost self-empowerment and self-expression in others.

I use tarot regularly for meditation and self-reflection, and I have a prized array of tarot decks that I relish.

“Thank you again for the great reading. It really hit everything on the head. You are truly gifted!” - Holly.